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Levantando el Cielo.jpg
Disparando Flechas
Cosechando Estrellas
Rotando el Cosmos
Pegar Puño
El Carrusel
Cargando la Luna
Nutriendo Riñones

The Eight Pieces of Brocade Course


February 10 to March 30, 2024.

Saturdays from 9 to 10 am.

Luis Munoz Rivera Park, San Juan.

$750 per participant to be paid as follows: $250 at the time of applying and $500 before starting the Course. You can pay in cash, via ATH Móvil or Venmo.


$1,200 for couples to be paid as follows: $400 at the time of applying and $800 before starting the Course. You can pay in cash, via ATH Móvil or Venmo.

The Eight Pieces of Brocade or Ba Duan Jin are the first eight exercises of the Eighteen Lohan Hands taught by Bodhidharma at the Shaolin Monastery in the 6th century. It was probably during the Song dynasty that the first eight exercises of the Eighteen Lohan Hands were practiced as Ba Duan Jin or the Eight Pieces of Brocade. Interestingly, the Eight Pieces of Brocade was popular among Taoist cultivators to such an extent that it is now considered a Taoist art.

This course is by invitation only and/or for students who have taken the Energy Flow Generation Course before, either with Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit or any other Shaolin Wahnam Institute instructor.

This Course is a continuation of the Qi Flow Generation Course, further deepening and broadening the Qigong practice of the Shaolin Cosmos.


  • Have a better understanding of Shaolin Cosmos Qigong.

  • Learn and be able to competently practice Qigong exercises useful for health, vitality, longevity, and spiritual expansion, regardless of race, culture, and religion.

  • Acquire the skills of reaching a single-pointed mind and harnessing cosmic energy.

  • Have an energy flow experience.


  • deep relaxation

  • Unity of form-jing, energy-qi and mind-shen.

  • The first 8 Exercises of The Eighteen Lohan Hands: Raising the Sky, Shooting Arrows, Harvesting Stars, Rotating the Cosmos, Hitting the Fist, The Carousel, Charging the Moon, Nourishing the Kidneys.

  • Self-manifested Qi movement.

  • Standing meditation.


  • Feel relaxed and fresh.

  • Experiencing some effects of chi, such as heat over the body, tingling sensations in the fingers or other parts of the body.

  • If you have any internal injuries, which you may not be aware of, you may feel mild pain at the site of the injury. If you don't feel this mild pain at the end of class, you will likely feel it later as your practice continues. This is a sign that your Qigong practice is healing your injury by removing the internal blockage of energy.

  • Feeling confident that by continuing your practice at home, Qigong will overcome your degenerative or chronic disease if you have it, or promote good health and vitality if you are unaffected by any disease.

  • Experience an increase in energy level.

  • Usually you will be surprised what a course with a teacher can bring you.

Saturdays from 9 to 10 a.m. The course is scheduled for a period of ten weeks, during which the student is required to be ready at the established time once a week, for at least one hour. Under no circumstances will any class be rescheduled if the student does not comply, unless he or she contact Sifu Angel.

While the results can be felt during the class itself, lasting and high-level effects can only be achieved if you continue to practice what you learn at least once a day for at least the months of the Course and beyond. The objective of the course is to provide students with fundamental skills and techniques; subsequent courses and subsequent diligent practice is necessary.

An essential condition is required to participate in the Eight Pieces of Brocade Course, which is to uphold and practice the Ten Shaolin Laws. Please read and understand the Ten Shaolin Laws carefully. The application to the course is taken as an indication that you have accepted this condition.

Request indicating:
Course Name: Eight Pieces of Brocade Course
Full name
Sex and age
Brief health problems, if any


If accepted, the details will be emailed to you.

What is taught in the Qigong course promotes spiritual, mental and physical health and wellness at its core. Sifu Ángel manages to teach and share in a "down to earth" way, adapting to the student's level, professionally and with great attention to detail, always explaining why.
~Alejandro Berrocal Bravo

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